Monday, November 24, 2014

James' half brother, George

  According to  Selma Hazel Harvey and Myrtle Harvey Service, James Smuin Harvey had a half-brother, names Geroge Wooten Harvey, the son of Daniel and Ellen Wooten Harvey.
Ellen Wooten was born July 1st 1850 to William Wooten and Ruth Smuin in Summerless, Buckinghamshire, England.  As a young girl she became converted to Mormonism and had a desire to gather with the Saints in Zion.  She was encouraged by her mother's sister, Hannah Smuin Harvey and her husband Daniel Harvey, who according to the book "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah" came to Utah Oct. 13th 1863 with the Rosel Hyde Company. They settled Kaysville, Utah.

Ellen went to live with her Aunt Hannah upon immigrating to Utah from England.  When Ellen arrived at her aunts home in Kaysville, polygamy was in full swing.  Daniel Harvey had not yet taken a plural wife. We do not know the circumstances that led to Ellen's marriage to her Uncle Daniel, but they were wed in the Salt Lake Endowment House Dec. 17, 1868. Ellen was 18 and Daniel was 30.
Ellen and Daniel had one son, George Wooten Harvey, who was born Jan 8, 1870.

George was 18 and he and his mother left Kaysville and moved to Cedar Fort, UT where George was employed on the new railway being built to Toplift and Mercur. From then on George cared for his mother.  Ellen always worked hard to help sustain them.
 They moved to Lehi where George became engaged to a young girl in the community. She died shortly before they were married. After a time he met Mary Rachel Baker, the daughter of James and Permelia Rice Baker. George was 28 and Mary was 18 when they were married in Provo, Utah, Oct. 26, 1896.

More info is available at